Good Design Matters For Your Website

Design is not just about how something looks. It’s not about the colours, style, fonts and graphics- the outwards appearance of your website. Design is about how something works.It’s a functional plan, a blueprint, a purposeful action of laying down a foundation. Design is putting the right technology in the right positions and making sure […]

Using Facebook Advertisements for Business in Singapore

Q: Why should businesses in Singapore advertise on Facebook? A: Because their target audience is on Facebook. We take a closer look at the Facebook as an effective marketing platform in our little island-state. Some quick stats of social media activity in Singapore: Facebook is top social media network in Singapore with 3.8 million registered […]

5 Tips on Getting Your Facebook Page Setup Right

Heard about how Facebook can increase sales and exposure for business? Here are 5 good tips to get you started on your own Page. Let’s start with the basics. You need to first create a Facebook Page. Some people think that a Facebook account is a Facebook Page. It is not. However, you do need […]

Facebook Photo Contest

Seen your competitor run a successful Facebook Photo Contest? How does that work? A picture is worth a thousand words. When a fan posts pictures of your product on Facebook, he is actually endorsing your product- the effect is enormous and this can socially influence his friends to buy your product too. Here’s what’s the […]

Viral Facebook Giveaway

Giveaways are one of the most effective ways of promoting your brand on Facebook. They increase brand awareness, encourage fan interaction and grow your fanbase at the same time. How do you create a giveaway? It may look simple, but there is more to it than meets the eye. There is a lot of preparation […]

Ant Team Social Media Marketing