Category Archives: Website

Why You Should Mobile Optimise Your Website

Not sure if you should make your website mobile friendly? If you want to cater to the customer, here is why you should pool in some resources to start doing so. Today’s tech savvy consumer does a lot of things on their mobile phone. They book air tickets, order clothes, make dinner reservations, shop for […]

Take Your Website To The Next Level With E-Commerce

You may have a physical store outlet that offers products and services. You also have a website that shows your product range. The natural next step in growing your business would be to monetise your website and offer e-commerce, and bridge both the physical and digital world when offering your products and services. Why? Customers […]

Good Design Matters For Your Website

Design is not just about how something looks. It’s not about the colours, style, fonts and graphics- the outwards appearance of your website. Design is about how something works.It’s a functional plan, a blueprint, a purposeful action of laying down a foundation. Design is putting the right technology in the right positions and making sure […]

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