How To Optimise Website Content For Search Engine

Optimising your website for search engines is called SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Without SEO, your website may not appear on the page results of search engines and you will suffer from little organic web traffic. Here are some 3 tips on how to optimise your website for SEO.

Identify the keywords of your business and website. Think about what a user will type in the search engine box when they are looking for products, and apply this thinking to your website. If possible, have your keyword inside your url name. This will naturally help to raise your relevance.

Good Content
Focus on creating good content that helps your users. Value add to your users by providing trustworthy information, compelling copy and an overall good online experience on your website. Creating a good quality website will not only increase your SEO page rank, but will also benefit your business in the long run.

Quality Backlinks
This is dependent on the quality of your site content. If you have good, decent content, let authority sites know and they may link back to you website in what we call a ‘quality backlink’. In contrast, when low quality websites link you, these are called ‘bad backlinking’, and may even result in a Google website Penalty (Click to read our article on Google Penalties).

Organic web traffic is a reliable, low cost way to ensure a steady stream of web traffic to your website. SEO is therefore a necessity in any website’s marketing mix. However, SEO is not easy to grasp as Google is always changing its algorithms. Be patient, consistent, and genuinely work on building a website that engages a customer. This will eventually pay off as Google values ‘user experience’ and high quality content will hence be rewarded. To know more about SEO and how to use it for your website, email us at or call to speak to one of our SEO specialists today.

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